Lately we were focusing mostly on our endeavours in VR. But our vision is much broader and extends into the physical world as well.
We are particularly excited about Bitcoin. There is something very compelling about a digital currency, fully independent from whims of nation states and central banks.
But today, we are not going to discuss cryptocurrency. If you want to learn more, watch some Andreas Antonopoulos vids.
Today we are just bragging about our Simple Bitcoin Terminal which is a payment machine allowing stores and other brick and mortar businesses to receive payments in Bitcoins (and other cryptocurrencies) quickly and easily.

Honza engineered a prototype one year ago, and now he is giving it more polish. Last weekend we presented it to crypto-fans during yearly crypto flea market in Paralelni polis – Prague.

Now, we want to advance new technologies. So we do not aim to be bogged down by manufacturing and selling this little machine commercially.

However, if you are an entrepreneur, manufacturer or electronics seller and would like to introduce Simple Bitcoin Terminal to market, feel free to contact us.
PS: If you like our work, you can reward us with a small Bitcoin donation 11r118H2Qv4oHfjFuJnuU8GZHGNqwEH9e